Black Olive Tapenade

posted in: RECIPES 0

Inspired by the uber talented Mr. Wheeler at Stoke Park who put tapenade on the menu as part of an amuse bouche, I noticed a hint of sweetness in it and so I decided to add some honey.

There is no secret to a good tapenade. Use the best olives, the finest oil, capers and anchovies and you’ll be dunking for Britain.

TIP You can store this in the fridge for a few days. Stir a few tablespoons into a bowl of linguine or dot a pizza here and there with it.

Serves 4 as an amuse bouche

160gr kalamata olives
1 large tbs fragata capers (from Waitrose)
3 anchovy fillets in olive oil
4 tbs of extra virgin olive oil (splash out on a bottle from
1 tsp acacia honey
1 tbs red wine vinegar
black pepper

Simply place everything into a processor and wizz till smooth. Serve with melba toast or Peter’s yard biscuits.

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