Pesto with Roasted Tomatoes on Sourdough by M. Kuehn

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Compared to nearly all home made sauces,  commercial varieties pale into insignificance. Pesto is practically fool proof if you follow a few non negotiable rules and the addition of roasted cherry tomatoes makes for a terrific partnership.              

TIP A verdejo or a Greco di Tufo would do very nicely. Please spend your money on the best parmesan and organic, sweet tomatoes.

Serves 4

4 large slices of sourdough
40 cherry tomatoes
olive oil and balsamic vinegar to coat the tomatoes
a large handful of basil leaves
3 tbs of pine nuts
1 clove of garlic
4 tbs of grated parmesan
3 tbs extra virgin olive oil
Maldon sea salt and black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 180oC

Place the tomatoes into a roasting tin that is lined with foil. Coat them with the oil and vinegar and sprinkle with sea salt and grind on some pepper. Cook for thirty minutes.

Meanwhile, toast the nuts in a dry frying pan for about a minute. They can suddenly burn so be vigilant. Crush the garlic in a pestle and mortar and pound in the basil. Add the nuts and pound again. Stir in the parmesan, drizzle in the oil, little by little, stirring constantly. Finish with a few twists of pepper.

Toast the sourdough, drizzle with the pesto, scatter over the tomatoes and open wide.

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